Grammy-winning band to release new album

Black:Guayaba, the first Puerto Rican rock band to win a Grammy, announced Monday the launching of its third album, "La conexion".
Lead singer Gustavo Gonzalez told EFE that the album, which will go on sale April 9, includes 10 songs that tell stories, in contrast to their first two albums on which they expressed feelings.

"Many ideas emerge in the creative process. Now we wanted to bring a more direct message, with stories that told something in particular and connected with people. I think it's part of the evolution of the group," Gonzalez said.

The band, which in 2008 won its first Grammy for Best Latino Rock Album for "No hay espacio", Monday released the first single from the new album, "Tu lo sabes bien".

Gonzalez emphasized that the cut represents "the balance of where we came from and where we're going" that has developed since the origin of the group, which was the support band at the concert in Puerto Rico given by stadium-rock giants Journey.

Black:Guayaba also collaborated on the new production by Puerto Rican singer Ednita Nazario, "Desnuda", which will be released next month by helping with the lyrics of the song "Sin pensar, me voy".

Gonzalez said that they had to take advantage of the chance to work on Nazario's album and both feel a mutual admiration for each other's musical careers.

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