Big Brother Star game: Maneta Survives, while Teclar Julio and Hilda Evicted

After a week of endless speculation, the Housemates were finally put out of their misery tonight.
The Princess of Zamunda - Teclar - was unable to use her 'royal powers' to save herself from Eviction.Julio and the bubbly Hilda from Tanzania are also on the next to leave Big brother house after only a week in the game.
As Downille gathered in the lounge, Maneta and Teclar were the first to be told to leave the Big Brother House.
Their fellow Housemates did not seem too heartbroken about the news and proclaimed "More food for us". Maneta simply made a dramatic beeline for the Eviction doors, telling Julio not to touch her, as he reached for a hug.

The Zimbabwean Housemate obviusly had no inkling she was about to upgrade to posh Upville.
When her older sister Teclar was notified of the end of the road, she held back the tears welling in her eyes.
After she had walked off the stage, Julio and Hilda were notified of their fate too.
Click here to see the Video
Here's how Africa voted this week (13 May 2012) - Hilda, Julio and Teclar were eliminated.
Here's who which country voted for:
Angola: Julio
Botswana: Maneta
Ghana: Hilda
Kenya: Maneta
Liberia: Hilda
Malawi: Maneta
Namibia: Maneta
Nigeria: Hilda
South Africa: Maneta
Sierra Leone: Hilda
Tanzania: Hilda
Uganda: Hilda
Zambia: Maneta
Zimbabwe: Maneta
Rest of Africa: Maneta

Total: Hilda = 6; Julio = 1; Maneta = 8; Teclar = 0 (Total: 15 Votes)

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