New Big Brother Australia to launch on August 13th

Logo of Big Brother Australia
Logo of Big Brother Australia

Big Brother is set to return to Australia on Channel Nine on August 13th, the day after the closing ceremony of the London 2012 Olympics.

The broadcaster’s director of sales and marketing Peter Wiltshire revealed the news on Friday, with Nine hoping to capitalise on the sizeable audience that the sports event will attract.

The logo for the new series – which will be fronted by former Dancing With The Stars host Sonia Kruger – was unveiled in March, with a design inspired by the eye Channel 5 introduced for their revived UK series.

Nine is planning to take the Big Brother format back-to-basics, with a focus on making it ‘family friendly’ for a 7.00pm timeslot – although an ‘uncut’ show featuring adults-only material will also air on digital channel GO!.

In stark contrast to Channel 5′s version, producers are looking for ordinary Australians to take part, instead of the typically younger, sexy, model-like housemates featured in the past.

This is demonstrated in the (rather amazing) first full-length advert, which premiered yesterday – you can watch it here, courtesy of our friends at Behind Big Brother:

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