Baby 'Bikini' Onesie From Gordman's Has Parents Outraged

Gordman's store in Mississippi has come under fire for selling a baby bodysuit, or onesie, with the image of a female silhouette wearing a bikini on it. Many parents have called the outfit inappropriate for an 18-month-old, saying that it "gives people the wrong idea too quickly."

Bon Bebe is responsible for the bodysuit, which falls under its Wild Child label of baby clothes. The company has not issued a statement on the fallout from the suit's debut, but the public has had plenty to say about the outfit, with some appalled by the image and others questioning why it's such a big deal.
"Really? Is it not enough to put them on kids," tweeted Esther Kane. While it is true that even infants can wear bikinis, the image of the female silhouette is what is drawing ire from parents.
"Babies shouldn't have sweet racks," commented DeathandTaxes.
"Even if this wasn't a case of sexualizing little girls (which it is, obviously), it would still look creepy, like the paintings of baby Jesus back in the 13th century when they used to give him adult proportions. It's skeezy, and it's unfair to the baby who isn't old enough to know it's embarrassing," Carmel Lobello posted on
Some, however, see nothing wrong with the onesie and question why it is causing a stir.
"Don't get why parents are upset?" tweeted Denise Plante.
"Give me a break," added Alyssa Hertzig. There are plenty of controversial outfits for babies to wear these days, and the bikini onesie is just one of many.
"What's the big deal? If you don't like, don't buy it," suggested Huffington Post user backspacerunner.
Of course, the deeper issue is the marketing and feeling of exploitation of young girls, which opponents are quick to point out has only increased in recent years. With shows like "Toddlers and Tiaras" gaining popularity, more and more risqué outfits are being produced and younger children are dressed in them.
"This trend of sexualizing girls younger and younger is not good, and it does affect people who don't buy them," noted Margo Arrowsmith.

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