Celebrity Big Brother 2013 highlights recap – Day 2

All the news from Day 2 in the Celebrity Big Brother 2013 house, with Spencer and Heidi refusing to do the first task, and Frankie descending to the basement…


In the main house, the housemates wake up and Lacey comments that this is the happiest she’s ever woken up. While down in the basement, the housemates notice Paula is gone and question how ill she was. Ryan receives a call from Big Brother to say that due to health reasons Paula is now in the main house.
Unaware that Paula is in the main house, and actually asleep on the sofa, Claire, Rylan, Lacey and Tricia are surprised when Paula emerges from her big coat. She explains that she was sick and told to come up here on Doctor’s orders and they welcome her to the house.
Big Brother calls through to the basement, Ryan answers the phone and is told that Paula has returned to the main house where she will now remain. Ryan relays the message back to his fellow basement housemates and they cheer. “Oh good for her!” smiles Heidi.
Housemates in the main house start making breakfast, and discover Paula on the sofa. “Oh my god! How did you get in here?” Lacey asks. Paula smiles, “You can’t keep a good thing out can you?” They laugh and all hug. Paula explains that she got sick down in the basement.


Upstairs, some of the housemates are making breakfast. Tricia tells Claire that she’s a huge Steps fan.
In the basement diary room, Spencer and Heidi are talking to Big Brother about life in the basement. Spencer says, “the basement is as close to a nightmare as I will ever have.”
Rylan and Paula are chatting in the garden. The singer says, “You have a lovely bed now. It’s going to be hard in here; I’m not going to lie.” They laugh together. Paula explains that she had no food in the basement and that everyone down there is lovely. Rylan thinks Spencer could be an a*sehole, “he hasn’t even said hello.”


Earlier Big Brother turned off the hot water to the house, without telling the housemates! Lacey and Rylan find this out by trying out the shower.
In the basement, Sam is asking Spencer and Heidi about their TV show, The Hills. Heidi tells, “The first season was a lot more real and then the second season is when I met Spencer. After that they decided to ‘villainise’ me, but we got through it and our relationship was real.”
Rylan goes to the diary room to tell Big Brother that there’s no hot water. Big Brother ‘plays along’ and says they will look into the situation. Rylan joins his housemates, “I don’t think they knew there was no hot water.”
Heidi and Spencer continue talking about The Hills, “It’s been hard because we haven’t been like normal famous people,” explains Heidi. Spencer adds, “I’ve been on America’s most hated list ahead of murderers”


Rylan is sharing an interesting fact with his fellow upstairs housemates. “I learnt that if someone comes in your eye that the seamen mistake it for the wall of the vagina and starts eating away at it! I’m surprised I’m not blind!” Everyone is shocked and shout ‘no way’!
In the basement, Razor explains to Sam that, “I’m sure Paula’s done a Bond film. I recognised her straightaway.” Spencer says he believes that Paula’s teeth are fake as he saw a picture of her with “no teeth, all gums”.
Back upstairs, conversation turns to why Heidi and Spencer haven’t spoken to the main house housemates. “Maybe they’ve been given a task not to talk to you guys…” states Paula, who continues to tell that they are nice people but they said they are jet lagged, and didn’t want to say hi to everyone. Rylan replies, “Suit your f**king selves then!” He divulges to the group that the couple has been married three times to each other. Claire looks shocked.


All of the basement housemates are asleep. All of the other housemates are in the kitchen when a set of pipes are unveiled in the garden. Claire thinks, “It’s a task to get us hot water! Bet you!” Rylan reads out the task instructions to his fellow upstairs housemates, which is also screened to the basement housemates.
In order to regain hot water for all housemates, the upstairs housemates must choose a basement housemate to unblock the three blocked pipes that are in the garden. Spencer states, “I don’t care if they get hot water.” The upstairs housemates decide on Spencer and Heidi as there are two of them, and then they will have a chance to meet them. Spencer declares he is not doing it as they don’t need hot water. “If you free the basement then I will do it for everyone! Free the basement!” shouts Heidi.
The couple explains to Big Brother that they are not prepared to unblock the pipes and provide hot water for the whole house. Spencer says, “Rylan and Frankie can take ice baths for all I care; I can’t stand those girls. We are not turning on hot water for anyone. Our basement mates don’t need hot water. We are failing this task and punishing the housemates.”
Big Brother explains to the housemates that Spencer and Heidi have refused to take part in the task and asks for another basement housemate to volunteer to unblock the pipes. Ryan puts himself forward and the couple ‘boo’ him. Ryan gets to work unblocking the three pipes to make the water rise from freezing to hot. The upstairs housemates are in the garden cheering him on. Spencer looks on from the basement and states that he thinks none of the girls are good looking. Ryan gets stuck in and successfully completes the task!


Hot water has been restored to the house. The basement housemates find buckets of hot water in the hatch. Ryan and Sam help lift the buckets of water, looking disappointed.
In the diary room, Frankie and Rylan ask Big Brother that they would like to look at the gym, go for a swim and find out what Heidi and Spencer’s problem is. The men would like to meet the couple, and think that they hate them because they sent them to the basement. “We had to do it; we had a decision to make,” explains Rylan. Frankie says that the couple is resentful of them.
Big Brother serves up some disgusting sandwiches in the basement, which none of the housemates decide to eat.


All of the basement housemates are asleep. Big Brother announces that dinner is served; scraps of food are then dropped from a hatch into a bucket. Razor, Ryan and Sam go through the food and decide not to eat anything.
In the main house, Gillian is telling her housemates about her career. Rylan admits that he was a massive fan of Footballers Wives; Gillian says she had such a laugh filming the show.


Big Brother gathers all the housemates in the living area and in the basement, and told that they are live on Channel 5. Tonight, the main house housemates must sacrifice own of their own, and pick a housemate to live in the basement. Paula is exempt. Spencer and Heidi cheer! “I’m so excited!” she declares.
The housemates each write down a name of a housemate of who they think should go to the basement. The basement housemates look on with excitement!
Rylan and Frankie are nominated, however Frankie receives the most votes and is now banished to the basement. The housemates sing, “We love you Frankie, we do!” The basement housemates cheer and welcome Frankie to his new home in the basement. Paula shouts to Razor to look after him.
Frankie joins the basement and introduces himself to Spencer and Heidi; they ignore him at first then finally come round to shaking his hand and say hello.
Big Brother then drops another bomb, and asks Frankie to make a big decision to free one housemate from the basement who will join the main house. Everyone has 20 seconds each to state their case; all housemates selflessly nominate Razor to join the main house. Heidi says that she and Spencer are fine in the basement and that Razor should go to the main house.
Frankie decides, “Well I’m playing the game and I choose Spencer and Heidi because a lady should not be down here!” All housemates scream; the couple join the main house. Heidi admits, “I didn’t see this happen!” Frankie thinks it will now all kick off in the main house. The couple introduce themselves to the rest of the house as they enter their new home.


Frankie is getting to grips with basement life. Upstairs in the igloo, Heidi and Spencer are enjoying the high life, drinking some champagne with their new celebrity friends.
The basement housemates come upstairs for a cigarette, and on hearing they’re out there, the upstairs housemates leave the igloo to join them. They then head into the house where Heidi jumps around, dancing excitedly.
Back at the basement housemates’ smoking area, the boys think they’ve been played by Spencer and Heidi.


On the sofas, a weary Claire says to Rylan, “This is just so weird; I’m still not sure what is going.” In the diary room, Rylan tells Big Brother that something feels wrong and he doesn’t know what is going on. “It doesn’t feel like our house anymore.” He doesn’t think he can trust Spencer and Heidi, and misses Frankie.
Heidi is next in the diary room and thanks Big Brother, declaring what a great show this is, “Oh my gosh, miracles happen!” She explains that Spencer doesn’t have too many positive thoughts for Rylan and that he’s “a more selfish than a selfless person”.
Finally Rylan says to Big Brother that he thinks he can’t trust Spencer and Heidi.

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