Big Brother 2012 – Who nominated who: Week 5

Arron, Becky, Conor and Deana face eviction from Big Brother this week – read on to discover who voted who in the fifth round of nominations…

Luke S

First to enter the diary room is Luke S. His first nomination is for Deana following a row between the pair, sparked by Deana labelling Luke S’ and Ashleigh’s relationship as “fake”. His second nomination is for Lauren as she “moans all the time”. “All she says is cigarettes, cigarettes, bacon, smoked bacon” he quips.


Lauren is next into the diary room. Her first nomination is for Arron. “He broke the hairdryer, he cut up my cigarettes and he needs to stop following Conor around and get his own back bone” she retorts. Her second nomination is for Scott as she considers him as “untrustworthy”. Lauren tells Big Brother that she has overhead Scott talking about Becky to Caroline. Her distaste is obvious when she proclaims that Scott still went over to Becky after he had been talking behind her back; “You just don’t do that” she says.


A seemingly agitated Scott enters the diary room and nominates Conor; “He wants to win more than anyone in this house” he speculates. Also labelling Conor as “manipulative”, Scott feels that he has attempted to influence fellow housemate’s friendships within the house. His second nomination is for Luke S. He believes that Luke S has attempted to out Deana as a “gold digger” in the house when this is “not the case”.


A defensive Shievonne nominates Becky following a row the pair shared after Becky had told Sara that Shievonne was an “angry character”. Her second nomination is for Luke A. The main reason for this nomination is Luke A’s reaction to Caroline and Shievonne’s pillow fight in the bedroom, which took place when he was napping in the day; “He just stormed out the bedroom and I wish he would have just approached me” she says.


An unaware Sara enters the diary room. Her first nomination is for Conor. Her nomination is in response to Conor taking the statue which was next to Scott’s bed. She is still under the illusion that both Conor and Arron were under instruction to do so by Big Brother. However, Big Brother intervenes and tells Sara that at no point were either Conor or Arron told to remove the statue. This shock revelation prompts Sara to change her predetermined second nomination. Instead, a now angry Sara nominates Arron; “He has a fascination with Conor” she proclaims.


Adam is next into the diary room and nominates Caroline. His primary reason for this nomination is Caroline’s lack of effort in tasks. His second nomination is for Arron; “He lies a lot. Who knows what he says is true” he declares.


Deana nominates Arron because “he lies a lot” and he is “Conor’s little lap dog”. Her second nomination is for Becky and labels her as an “actress” who “always has to scream the loudest”.


Conor is next into the diary room and nominates Deana; “She cannot be trusted” he says. His second nomination is for Becky and labels her as an “actress”.


With little hesitance, Caroline nominates Lauren; “She’s the human embodiment of a wooden spoon” she smirks. Labelling Lauren as “extremely two-faced”, Caroline deems her as “bitchy” and having a “negative vibe”. Her second nomination is for Adam. Her nomination is in response to Adam making all housemates clean up the bathroom; “He’s not the army corporal” she yelps.

Luke A

Luke A is next into the diary room. He nominates Luke S because he thinks that he has been acting fake towards him; “He’s been sucking up to me. He even offered me some protein shake” he says in disbelief. Luke A tells Big Brother; “It’s all a little bit too late”. His second nomination is for Conor. This nomination is in response to Conor’s reaction to Arron cutting up fellow housemates cigarettes; “It was like he enjoyed watching it” he speculates.


Ashleigh enters the diary room and nominates Deana; “She was backstabbing towards mine and Luke’s (Luke S) relationship” she declares. Her second nomination is for Lauren and labels her as “selfish” and “spoilt”.


Becky nominates Arron; “He’s been a nasty bugger towards me this week” she says. In addition, Becky is agitated by Arron’s modelling stories; “I don’t want to hear another modelling story. That is all he has to say” she sighs. Her second nomination is for Conor; “He’s already spent the prize money” she declares, “He’s too over confident”.


Arron is the final housemate into the diary room. His first nomination is for Deana, accusing her of “looking out for number one”. His second nomination is for Becky and labels her as; “false”, “fake” and a “backstabber”.
With five votes Arron will face Becky, Deana and Conor who each received four nominations. This week, Ashleigh, Sara and Shievonne did not receive any nominations.

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