Tom Cruise, Katie Holmes Divorce: She Was Blacklisted in Hollywood Because of Scientology (EXCLUSIVE)

New York Times best-selling investigative journalist Ian Halperin, who spent years infiltrating Scientology and authored Hollywood Undercover, reveals how Katie Holmes fears Tom Cruise and the controversial church will her keep her from her daughter – and how the actress plans to escape their grip.

Tom Cruise’s 50th birthday on July 3 has been overshadowed by his pending third divorce. But the breakup of Hollywood’s ‘Top Gun’ from with Katie Holmes last week didn’t really catch us off-guard: Indeed, we knew the oddball marriage’s fate was sealed the moment an overzealous Cruise leapt onto Oprah Winfrey’s couch to tell the world how much he loved the much-younger Holmes back in 2005.

It all seemed too premeditated, too valiant an attempt to misdirect us from his previous breakup with ex-wife Nicole Kidman, who also turned her back on Cruise and his controversial religious beliefs.
But the biggest reason it appears Holmes, 33, left Cruise, 49, was because her once thriving acting career had taken a big hit ever since she became connected to Cruise and the controversial Church of Scientology.
A close friend of Holmes claims the ex-Dawson’s Creek star’s promising career had been “blacklisted” in recent years.
The friend pointed out how Holmes’ career had taken a downward spiral because Hollywood is terrified about the rise of Scientology, so much so that it has skewed the results of Oscar voting on more than one occasion. It’s fairly obvious that the Hollywood establishment don’t want to see a Scientologist win an Oscar for fear that it will just help them recruit more celebrities and everyday members. Can you imagine the speech that one of them might make to a billion viewers if they actually won?
“It’s no coincidence why Katie hasn’t been getting the roles she deserves,” the friend said.
“She wants to win Oscars but instead has been getting fluff roles. There’s a good reason why her husband has never won an Oscar. He was brilliant in Born on the Fourth of July and should have won. He was also denied for Jerry Maguire and Magnolia. Look at another Scientologist, John Travolta. He seemed like a shoo-in for Pulp Fiction but was also denied.”

Cruise’s second wife, Kidman, was a perfect example of this phenomenon. Her performance in To Die Forwas brilliant, for which many pundits considered her the odds-on favorite to win the Oscar. That was when she was still married to Cruise and she was a practicing Scientologist. She wasn’t even nominated. Then, a few years ago, only after she divorced Cruised and renounced Scientology, she won her Oscar for The Hours. That’s probably not a coincidence.
The close friend of the actress says she saw the writing on the wall four years ago at lunch in New York, when a broken Holmes confided to her how miserable she was. “She felt trapped like a moth in a bath,” the friend said.
Now, Holmes holds an optimistic view about her new life with six-year-old Suri – but she harbors troubling doubt regarding how the Hollywood megastar and his powerful Church will respond.

Holmes is well aware how the Church places an extreme importance on the public image of their high-profile members. It has even created a special branch that ministers to celebrities, providing them with first-class testament. The Church’s headquarters, called Celebrity Center International, is housed in a magnificent old mansion on Franklin Avenue, overlooking the Hollywood Freeway, where the Church caters to the every whim of its famous adherents.
According to a friend of Holmes, the actress is holed up in her sprawling Chelsea, N.Y., pad with 24/7 security guards by her side.
“She’s terrified that Tom or the Church of Scientology will do something to take Suri away from her,” the friend said.
Thus, she has also developed a post-divorce plan. The actress recently shopped for a new home outside London.
“After her divorce is final, she wants to move overseas for a while. She wants to keep Suri away from all the chaos and put her in a top British school,” the friend confided. “She wants to disappear the same way Nicole Kidman did.  It’s the only way she will keep her sanity, and keep Scientology goons away from her.”

Said the insider: “Tom is the world’s most powerful and most famous Scientologist. Katie prepared for months her ultimate escape from both parties. She’s no fool. She knows how powerful and monolithic the people she’s dealing with can be. She certainly didn’t act on a whim. She gave a lot of time and thought to prepare for this.”

source: Flameflynet

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