100 Floors : Cheat, Hint and Answer Of All Levels for Iphone and Android
Levels 1-10
- Level 1 - press the green arrow up
- Level 2 - move the trash can, click the green arrow, select the green arrow, click the up arrow
- Level 3 - tilt the left, tilt to the right
- Level 4 - pinch out to the left and right
- Level 5 - tilt backwards
- Level 6 - move right plant, touch the four larger "buttons"
- Level 7 - tilt right to slide rock over button
- Level 8 - move fruit to find banana, select banana, click the gorilla
- Level 9 - make the larger buttons (inner and outer rings) match the smaller buttons
- Level 10 - shake to awaken snake, top left to bottom right swipe
Levels 11-20
- Level 11 - using the gyroscope, balance both balls in the middle until three lights display
- Level 12 - tap the red buttons with very short, quick taps to push the ball up until you light up the column top in green
- Level 13 - shake to drop the sledgehammer, grab the hammer, select the hammer, and hit the wall until it breaks
- Level 14 - hold down the green hand until five lights display
- Level 15 - tap in sequence 1-6-4-3
- Level 16 - grab screwdriver, select screwdriver, touch each screw, tap board, tilt to drop background
- Level 17 - tilt the left one, right twice, left three times, finally to the right twice
- Level 18 - quickly tap blue dots so all are lit (tip: since some stay on longer tap from the top left counter-clockwise.) WATCH IMAGE BELOW
- Level 19 - grab towel, select towel, wipe the windows
- Level 20 - grab screw, move sign, select bol, tap open screw hole, select screwdriver, tap screw
Levels 21-30
- Level 21 - hold exactly upright until eye opens and hold until five lights display
- Level 22 - select sledgehammer, tap right statue until it breaks, swipe doors in order: up, right, left, down
- Level 23 - tap green to turn on lights, select pegboard, tap door, then tap in order: bottom right, middle, top, bottom left
- Level 24 - swipe with two fingers over the arrows to lift the door and tap the green arrow while holding the door up
- Level 25 - swipe the balls to match the floor pattern with left down, next up, next 3/4 up
- Level 26 - touch all batteries/fuses to fall to the floor then place them as follows: left (2x) = 1v & 5v, middle (3x) = 1v & 20v, right (1x) = 20v & 5v
- Level 27 - slide right panel to the far right, select sledgehammer and hit right (cracked) wall, grab screw, select screw and tap middle of the door, and crank screw in clockwise circle until all five lights display green
- Level 28 - match the pattern above the elevator with taps (2x pause 3x pause 1x pause 2x)
- Level 29 - lay device flat and left the bomb explode
- Level 30 - set the clock (by dragging the second hand) to YOUR current time and touch the switch
Levels 31-40
- Level 31 - select screwdriver and touch each screw in the sign, unselect screwdriver and drag sign rightside up
- Level 32 - each diagonal must sum to 12 (the number above the elevator), change the position of the dots by tapping the two you want to exchange.
- Level 33 - tap the color button (white, yellow, or red) that corresponds to the item
- cloud = white
- snowflake = white
- banana = yellow
- pear = yellow
- fire = red
- cherries = red
- Level 34 - tap the numbers/letters 1-0-0-F-L-O-O-R-S
- Level 35 - plug in the cord, tap parts of the digits to make 35 appear
- Level 36 - touch the items from lowest on the earth to highest (fish, dog, fruit, plane, moon)
- Level 37 - swipe item on the floor to the right to let button up, tilt backward tip ball up off button, swipe upper left to expose ball, tap ball
- Level 38 - tap left, top right, bottom right in order to coordinate timers to hit green at the same time
- Level 39 - tap/hold upper left (green), drag diagonal to bottom right grey, drag up to top (green), drag diagonal to bottom left (green), drag to the right two dots (a green line should be going through all grey dots)
- Level 40 - turn your volume all the way down
Levels 41-50
- Level 41 - keep touching the flies to see a pattern to match
- Level 42 - turn off the lights (note the shapes), swipe the doors to the left and right, note the shapes on the next layer, swipe the doors to the top and bottom, match the noted shapes
- Level 43 - move both plants to reveal a pipe, select the ball and add to the left side of the pipe, then balance the ball through the pipe to the other side to press the green button down
- Level 44 - move the plant out of the way then touch each panel to match the door from left to right with (1G = grey, 2W = white, 3B = black, 4W = white)
- Level 45 - select the sledgehammer and smash the blowing AC at the top, then select the machette and cut the rope on the balloon, and as it is rising, tilt the phone to line it up with the button and not get popped by the spikes
- Level 46 - the top has to exactly mirror the bottom (pay special attention to "tails" on shapes to make sure you've got a mirrored image).
- Level 47 - tab squares until they line up to complete the circuit from bottom right counter-clockwise back to the bottom middle.
- Level 48 - select the machette and swipe away the vines, then tap the colors to match the number of flowers in that color (white = 5, yellow = 5, pink = 4).
- Level 49 - tap the letters in order: Pa, S, S, W, O, Rd
- Level 50 - tap the center of the door as fast as you can to "knock" until the green bar fills up
Levels 51-60
- Level 51 - tap the squares to make black a pattern that matches the shape of the sword.
- Level 52 - tap the snowflakes to show 1-2-2-5 (12/25 in American style dates for Christmas)
- Level 53 - drag the hook down to the box, tap the switch to turn off the electricity, grab the wire cutters, select the wirecutters and tap the fence
- Level 54 - using the A=01 as decoder, type the following numbers to spell C=03, O=15, D=04, E=05.
- Level 55 - lay your device flat then start tilting up/down and left/right to see the overlay of other blocks come in and fill in the gaps
- Level 56 - tap the numbers to equal the number of flags that box is touching (including diagonal.)
- Level 57 - touch and hold the red button to move the hook to the right and align with the top of the wrecking ball, then release and pull/drag the chain down to attach to the wrecking ball, then press the red button to move the ball in line with the door, and finally tap the ball three times to break the door
- Level 58 - using the keyboard, play the white keys in this order 3-2-1-2-3-3-3-1-2-2-3-2-1 (it should sound like "Mary had a little lamb")
- Level 59 - grab rock, select rock and smash window (upper left), tap mirror (twice) to point to sticks to start fire, grab stick, select stick and touch fire, touch stick to lever (melt ice), and touch the lever
- Level 60 - select torch, light both sconces (two light blue "eyes" will appear), then tap the drums: 4x Red, 2x Dark Blue, 1x White, 4x Light Blue
Levels 61-70
- Level 61 - You have to make the four spaces above the clock say 1830 (24-hour time for 6:30) so place them 1 - F+L - 3 - backwords L + upside down L.
- Level 62 - select the machette and cut the wire on the box in the bottom left, then press the right and left arrows to get the remaining geen line to the top above the door
- Level 63 - match the dark/light tiles to the lights when the rock is over the left button.
- Level 64 - touch the black dot in the middle (eyeball) and drag your finger counter-clockwise quickly until the green bar above the door fills up
- Level 65 - grab the ball, select the ball, place it at the bottom of the tube, select the torch, touch the sprinkler, and the room will fill with water raising the ball to the top of the tube to press the button
- Level 66 - grab the stick on the right, select the stick and grab the hook on the left side, select the hook and touch the ring on the door, then swipe down to pull the door down
- Level 67 - tap the flower in the upper right to release a "seed" and move the bucket to catch it (a stem is planted), tap the water and move the bucket under the water (a flower sprouts), then move the bucket under the sunlight
- Level 68 - grab the star to the right center of the door (on the floor), press and hold the lever to lift the box, let go of the lever and quickly grab the panel beneath the box, select the star, then press and hold the lever to left the box and finally let go to tap the star beneath the box
- Level 69 - tap the light above the door and time when to tap the fish to the right of the door (the fish will hit the falling light and float it into the octopus to uncover the drain), then use the machette to hack away the vines
- Level 70 - press the buttons in this order: Left-Right-Left-Left-Right-Left-Right-Right
Levels 71-80
- Level 71 - the signs at the top must be the exact opposite of the corresponding (opposing) dots/dashes.
- Level 72 - have the items finish in this order: yellow circle, red triangle, blue square, green pentagon
- Level 73 - pick the right formula to get to 73: left, left, down, right, up, right, up, left, down, left
- Level 74 - next order of the sequence from hitting the floor. Bottom starts red.
- Level 75 - level platforms, pick up small weight on right and put it on the left, then place all three weights on floor on right platform
- Level 76 - rearrange jigsaw puzzle to form box with lines. Then place wood tile from inventory in center
- Level 77 - stop light created by hitting green button on 7th circle
- Level 78 - deconstruct the box.
- Level 79 - copy pattern on floor.
- Level 80 - light torches based on numbers at top. Torches are labeled 1-5 starting on right. Tap the stone/hole in the middle for the periods between number sets (and the 0).
Level 18 |
Posted by Unknown
on 5:08 AM.
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