Big Brother 2012 Highlights Recap – Day 1
It’s the launch of Big Brother 2012. 16 new housemates are about to enter the Big Brother house; the hot tub is heated and the champagne is on ice!
Deana is told by Big Brother that she was randomly selected to be the first housemate to enter the Big Brother house, which means that she has won immunity from Friday’s eviction. Big Brother reveals a cruel twist; Deana will have to nominate 3 of her fellow housemates to face this week’s eviction.
In the living area, Essex girl Ashleigh tells Luke S, “You look like Robin Thicke.” Housemate Lydia has a feel of Adam’s arms then laughs adding, “Welcome to the gun show!” Chris tells housemates that he is surprised he wasn’t booed on entering the house.
Big Brother gathers the housemates on the sofa and announces to the housemates that Deana was randomly selected to be the first to enter the house and is therefore, immune from the first eviction. However she must now nominate 3 housemates to face the public vote this Friday. All of the housemates are shocked.
Prior to entering the house Indian beauty queen Deana told host Brian that she would find the task easy. She is now nervous, but her fellow housemates encourage her on. “F**k it,” she exclaims.
Deana nominates Conor, Victoria and Lydia. She gives her reason for nominating Victoria as because she has ‘evil eyes’. Lydia looks stunned and says to Deana, “I thought I spent a long time talking to you?”
Victoria then confronts Deana about her reason for nominating her. “What are the evil eyes about?” she asks. “What else could I possibly say?” Deana retorts. “I’m not bothered in the slightest, it’s a game,” Victoria adds before hugging her.
In the kitchen, Benedict and Deana ask each other about their backgrounds. Deana tells him that she is the current Miss India UK and asks what he does. “I’m mainly a stripper, I also perform porn,” he replies. “From a teacher to a stripper!” Deana comments. Adam joins them in the kitchen and Deana asks while pointing at Benedict: “Do you recognise him from anywhere?!” and grins. Adam says that he doesn’t.
In the garden, Ashleigh, Scott and Luke A are getting to know each other. Ashleigh asks, “Would you get your penis enlarged?” Scott replies, “No, I wouldn’t do it. It may go wrong.” Luke A says that he would if given the chance.
Big Brother calls Deana to the diary room. Big Brother asks her about her nominations decisions. Deana says “Conor is the right decision; the two girls are the mistake. I thought it would be an easy decision but I’ve messed up”.
Arron, Shievonne and Ashleigh are chatting in the living area. Arron tells Ashleigh, “You’re going to be a fun character; you’re like a female version of Stifler!” referring to the character in the American Pie films. Ashleigh talks to her fellow housemates about ‘Water sports’, saying that she might give it a go if she was in a “four to ten year relationship”. Some of the housemate look disgusted, especially Lauren. Ashleigh continues, “My sexual fantasy is being treated like a police officer.”
Some of the housemates test out the bathroom paying particular interest in the level of the frosting on the shower door.
Lydia and Deana are talking about nominations. Deana admits that she made the wrong decision choosing Lydia. She says that she feels like a “f**king idiot.” Lydia adds, “I do believe things happen for a reason. I think you’ll struggle without me.”
Deana blurts, “I don’t think I’ll be able to survive in this place without you, these people are doing my head in already! I know how I’m going to save you, let the people know we are the good ones.” Lydia quips, “Why should I help you when you stitched me up? I’ll have to pack my bag on Friday!”
In the kitchen, Benedict and Caroline are having an open chat about his work and he tells her that he does straight porn.
Lydia is called to the diary room. She admits to feeling “rubbish” and says that she would like to remain in the house. She tells Big Brother that she feels “bloody intimidated” and “an outsider.” She adds, “I’m still not sure if Deana is being genuine. I will choose to forgive Deana and will be a good friend to her. I’m scared to go to sleep as don’t have any friends.”
In the garden, groups are beginning to form. Scott, Chris and Luke A are discussing Luke S and Arron. Chris says, “Luke S wants to be an alpha male” and describes him as a “sly one” and tells them that Arron has not spoken to him once. Scott tells them that Chris has “got it all planned out.”
Luke S and Adam are in the living area discussing tattoos. Adam revealed the Argyle sock tattoo he has up one of his legs. Luke S is impressed.
Victoria has come to the diary room. She tells Big Brother that some of the housemates are “grating” on her. The swearing is too much.” She also tells Big Brother that she didn’t appreciate being called a “MILF” by one of the housemates: “I don’t even know what it means,” she confesses.
In the kitchen, Victoria tells Caroline and Lauren that she’s against animal testing and is a vegan. Caroline exclaims, “You are so interesting.”
Luke A and Sara met during the audition process where Luke had revealed he was born female. Sara is the only housemate who knows this. Luke A and Sara are chatting. She reassures him that she won’t tell anyone his secret. He says he will tell his fellow housemates in his own time. She says she would not change her perception of him “no matter what.”
Conor is the next housemate to be called to the diary room. He discusses how he is feeling about being nominated by Deana. He tells Big Brother that he is “p*ssed off” and had a feeling that something was going to happen. Being nominated has put a “downer” on his evening but he tells Big Brother, “I will try not let it get to me and will be myself.”
Big Brother finally opens the bedroom doors where the 16 housemates scramble to claim one of 13 beds. Ashleigh shouts to everyone to get their bikinis and shorts on and head to the “cuzzi!” Victoria and Scott bond over the royal family. Meanwhile, Arron, Sara and Ashleigh change into their swimwear and drink champagne in the pool. The three housemates share a 3-way champagne toast in the heated hot tub.
Luke A doesn’t get involved in the hot tub fun. He comes to the diary room and says “I would love to get in (the hot tub) but I’m self conscious of my scars,” he confesses. He tells Big Brother, “There’s more to me than being trans.” He mentions his apprehension about telling everyone that he was born female. He wants everyone to get to know him for being himself before he reveals this.
In the living area, a make-up free Lydia, Victoria and Luke A are discussing the nominations. The discussion turns to how the British public can be “stereotypical” when nominating. Luke A nods and Victoria believes that the public will judge her.
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