Big Brother 2012 Highlights Recap – Day 10

Read a summary of Day 10 in the Big Brother 2012 house, as the first shopping list of the series causes tension and Ashleigh has cold feet over her romance with Luke S…


Housemates are waking up. Becky and Luke S speculate about the day ahead. Arron and Conor are in the garden and Arron is talking about his looks and people’s perceptions of him. He reveals that although he is comfortable about his body, “In my mind, I’m a bit insecure.”
Big Brother announces that the shopping list is now available and housemates will have one hour to complete it. Luke S collects the chalk board and shopping list and tells Big Brother that there will be some “interesting” discussions and demands from the housemates about what food items they want. After the allotted time is up Lydia returns the competed shopping list to the diary room and tells Big Brother, “We couldn’t organise a p**s up in a brewery!”


Arron is in the bedroom talking about the forthcoming eviction. He tells the housemates that it would be great to catch up with family and friends but wants to remain in the house. “I don’t think feel it’s my time to go, I don’t want to go,” he adds. Chris comes over to him and they hug. Arron grumbles: “We don’t deserve to be up.”
Caroline and Scott are in the kitchen talking about Chris. She says that Arron is a “cool person” but says that Chris has “no redeeming characteristics whatsoever!” Scott agrees and says that the result of the eviction is down to the public. They discuss what the viewers may think of Chris and Scott states that he’s been “fake for a lot of the time,” in the house. Caroline admits that her opinion of the British public will go down if viewers vote to save Chris.


Luke S is getting a relaxing rub down from Ashleigh. “I love the way your bum tenses up,” she adds. Luke A and Lauren are talking about the house dynamics. Luke A admits that he doesn’t get on with Luke S and claims that Luke S “has to be the big ‘I Am’ all the time.” He mentions that he is good friends with Adam, who is also a good friend of Luke S, “So maybe I’m missing something,” he ponders. Lauren claims that Luke S doesn’t speak to her and mentions that he volunteered to “divvy out” all the shopping treats. “Cos he’s like the big f**king man,” Luke A also admits he’s unsure about Becky. Although she seems “like a nice girl” Luke A feels that her personality maybe “a bit forced,” and Lauren agrees. She says that she has given up “trying to please everyone.” “Nice guys finish last,” Luke A states.


Some of the housemates are in the hot tub discussing game play. Chris feels that Luke S is “playing it safe” by forming a relationship in the house. Adam looks confused and Lydia tells him: “You can last in the programme longer if you’re in a relationship.” Lauren reveals that Ashleigh has told Luke S that she didn’t want a serious relationship.
Arron and Caroline are in the bathroom laughing about their first impressions of each other. “I thought you were the most vain person ever,” she grins. She mentions his “Abtastic” comment and says that at the time, she thought he was an “absolute p***k,” and Arron is in fits of laughter. Caroline says that she realises they are both “childish,” and Arron agrees laughing even harder.


Big Brother has delivered this week’s shopping but Chris is not amused. “We’ve got 31 loaves, for a week, no crisps, no fizzy pop.” Lydia is in the bedroom talking about Chris’ comments. “Who gives a s**t, there are people who don’t even have any frigging food in the world!” Chris and Shievonne are standing by the diary room door. He moans that Becky has already started to eat some of the new food. “She’s only had on pineapple chunk!” Shievonne defends.
Chris is in the diary room and asks if all of the shopping they had listed has been delivered. Big Brother tells him that despite the £500 shopping budget, housemates overspent by £147.88. Therefore, certain shopping items listed from the bottom of the list upwards will not be delivered. “Useless,” sighs Chris.


In the garden, Chris tries to work his charms on Deana and asks her if she finds him “attractive.” “You’re very funny but no, I don’t,” she smiles.
Ashleigh is in the bedroom, she tells some of her fellow housemates that she is having second thoughts about her relationship with Luke S. “I’m not gonna make something happen that’s not gonna happen,” she announces. “Are you not feeling it?” Scott asks and Ashleigh says that she isn’t. She tells them that although Luke S “is lovely,” they have “nothing in common, at all.” She says that although she is “100 percent” attracted to him, it is not enough. Becky looks concerned adding: “Why did you say you did like him,” but Ashleigh quietly whispers “Sshhhh,” as Shievonne enters the room.


Ashleigh has come to the diary room. She tells Big Brother that she thinks Luke S and Lauren may be better suited to one another. “We don’t gel and I think they’re more compatible.” She says that although she and Luke S are attracted to each other, “Looks aren’t that important to me.”


Arron is planning his eviction outfit with the help of Scott and Shievonne. Scott tells Arron to go for the “classic look” of white shirt with jeans.
Ashleigh, Sara and Caroline are at the kitchen table, talking about Lauren. “Superficially she’s lovely” Caroline tells them. Sara says that she agrees “100 percent.” “She has the best body in the world,” Caroline gushes and Ashleigh frowns adding: “Seriously?” Sara disagrees about the body comment and Ashleigh asks Caroline, “You think she has a better body than me?” “Not better that yours, but she does have a f**king good body,” replies Caroline.


Luke S is on the decking facing the doorway – shaving his lower stomach.
Benedict confides in Lydia that he feels the as the oldest housemates he is the responsible one.
Caroline and Lauren are talking about Ashleigh in the living room. Lauren cries and says that no-one likes her: “I just can’t win, I can’t do this anymore.” Caroline goes into the bedroom and tells Ashleigh that she should come and reassure Lauren. Ashleigh huffs, “F**king hell, she starting drama again is she?” Caroline says that she advised Lauren that the two of them should clear the air.
In the living area Lauren tells Ashleigh that she doesn’t fancy Luke S. Ashleigh admits that she feels “bad,” as when they first entered the house people mentioned “Lauren and Luke” as a potential couple. “I felt guilty cos I though I was taking Luke away from you,” she adds. Lauren then reveals that she feels awkward when Luke asks her to be his lifting weight, for fear of upsetting Ashleigh; but Ashleigh tells her that although she may fancy Luke S, their conversation is limited and notices that he and Lauren have more banter. Lauren reveals that she nominated Luke S which “confirms” that she doesn’t feel anything for him. Ashleigh promises to keep this news to herself and wraps them both up in the duvet she has around her while they hug.
Chris and Arron come to speak to Big Brother about their possible last night in the house

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