Nik Wallenda is first to conquer Niagara Fall for more than a century

An American stuntman has become the first person in more than a century to cross the Niagara Falls on a tightrope.
Nik Wallenda, 33, was watched by an estimated one billion TV viewers and more than 125,000 sightseers at the famous gorge. He took 25 minutes to traverse the 1,800ft gap from Canada to the US on a 2 in-thick steel cable on Friday night.
Nik Wallenda is first to conquer Niagara Fall
The water crashed over the precipice at 65mph, 200ft below him, and he was buffeted by swirling clouds of spray. But ignoring the No  1 rule of tightrope-walking, he looked down as he walked, rather than straight ahead. To aid his balance, he held a 40ft pole, attached by a brace to his neck. He also wore a safety harness attached to the cable.
‘This is what dreams are made of,’ said Wallenda shortly after he stepped off from a platform on the American shore. ‘I hope what I just did inspires people to reach for the skies.’
American James Hardy, 21, made several crossings of the gorge in 1896, but it was further from the waterfall and not as dangerous as Wallenda’s walk.
Nik Wallenda is first to conquer Niagara Fall

Wallenda, whose next stunt will be an attempt to traverse the Grand Canyon, took steady, measured steps across the mist-fogged brink of the roaring falls.
The daring acrobat set off around 10.15 to whoops and cheers from the huge crowd at the atmospheric event.
An estimated crowd of 125,000 people on the Canadian side and 4,000 on the American side watched. Along the way, he calmly prayed aloud.
Afterwards, he said he accomplished the feat through 'a lot of praying, that's for sure. But, you know, it's all about the concentration, the focus, and the training.'

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Nik Wallenda is first to conquer Niagara Fall

Nik Wallenda is first to conquer Niagara Fall

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